McCarty’s of Merigold, Mississippi: The Pottery (Book)

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A limited edition book highlighting the lives and careers of Pup and Lee McCarty, the makers of Merigold’s internationally known McCarty Potter.

One copy of Greenville native John Ramsey Miller’s book,  “McCartys of Merigold, Mississippi: The Pottery.” The 352-page coffee table book is filled with hundreds of color photographs, taken by William Powell, of pottery that the McCartys made from 1950 through Lee’s death in 2015.

“It also contains the story of the McCartys’ relationship, their creative life together and how they went from unknowns setting up a studio and living in a mule barn to internationally celebrated artists whose work became part of the culture and traditions of Mississippi,” Miller said. “It is a love story, and it is also my story of amazing people I knew for 50 years.”